- Total of 80 beautiful journaling pieces: 10 papers (8.5x11 in), 2 borders, 1 cluster frame, 7 doodles, 4 journaling frames, 3 bullet journal sheets, 19 phrases*, 4 pocket folders, 11 ribbons, 4 sticker or decoupage sheets, 7 tags and 8 washi tapes.
*phrases: "miracles happen", "be gentle with yourself", "rise and shine", "the most beautiful thing", "once upon a time...", "just be you", "once in a lifetime", "believe in magic", "your story", "stay positive", "a new beginning", "embrance the possibilities", "look on the bright side", "let me tell you a story", "let your light shine", "remember", "it is well with my soul", "just breathe" and "just relax".
- All files are saved individually and created at 300 ppi/dpi resolution, for excellent print quality.
- Terms Of Use inside the zip file and HERE.
Em português:
- Total de 80 lindas peças de diário: 10 papéis (8,5 x 11 pol.), 2 bordas, 1 moldura interligada, 7 rabiscos, 4 molduras de diário, 3 folhas de diário com marcadores, 19 frases*, 4 pastas de bolso, 11 fitas, 4 folhas de adesivos ou "decoupage", 7 etiquetas e 8 fitas "washi".
*frases em inglês: "miracles happen", "be gentle with yourself", "rise and shine", "the most beautiful thing", "once upon a time...", "just be you", "once in a lifetime", "believe in magic", "your story", "stay positive", "a new beginning", "embrance the possibilities", "look on the bright side", "let me tell you a story", "let your light shine", "remember", "it is well with my soul", "just breathe" and "just relax".
- Todos os arquivos são salvos individualmente e criados com resolução de 300 ppi/dpi, para excelente qualidade de impressão.
- Termos de Uso dentro do arquivo zip e AQUI.
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